10 point project management guide

If you want to create more focus, increase your energy and increase your income, I’m here to tell you it is possible.

During the workshop you will learn how to:

♦ Change your money story 

♦ Create focus so you can manage your time more effectively

♦ Clear away confusion and increase your energy 

♦ Let go of habits and ways that no longer serve you

Create your own Business Success Roadmap that feels aligned for you.


This is for you if you:


√ Have a real desire to do things differently


√ Have fear around dealing with money in your business & life


√ Tend to over-deliver time wise on what you are doing


√ Understand how important your mindset is to creating what you want.


What happens at the workshop, Fidelma?


You will get clarity on how to up level your money mindset and manage your time more effectively. This is a step by step approach that makes it easy to follow and implement. You will learn how to get out of your own way and how to avoid the pitfalls to stop you sabotaging yourself. 

Its your time to get clarity, focus and direction about what you are doing and where you are going so you can stop overthinking things and shift into action.

You will get personal time during the workshop to ask questions about your own projects and business.  You will have a workbook to keep track of each area we cover so you can build and create your own Business Success Roadmap.  Bonus access to the Circle of Purpose for 2 months, offer available until the 31st May. The Circle of Purpose is a vibrant community of leaders and entrepreneurs where you receive weekly support and laser coaching to help you move forward in your career and business with ease.  




Praise from clients

Sabrina Smith“I can only say that I found the key to unleash my excitement that day at your workshop. What followed could only be described as a miracle as I visualised the birth of my project with the previous obstacles obliterated. The miracles continued to happen during the weeks after the workshop as the universe opened up to my new rhythms and fear free actions, seeming to pave the way and help me with every facet. The peace in my life is palpable and ‘work’ is fun. Thank you Fidelma for showing me the way!”. Sabrina Smith, Beauty & Health Specialist.

I had the pleasure of taking part in Fidelma Greene’s workshop recently. Fidelma has a knack of putting you at your ease and that helps when working right at the core of who you are and who you want to be. Olwen Jennings, Channel, Coach & Healer.

Working with Fidelma has really helped me with my confidence in my business around managing my time and using my calendar more effectively for planning. As I wasn’t experienced on the business side, it was a revelation to value my time. Empowerment Coach & Social Entrepreneur.

Fidelma is a great intuitive business mentor who has a wealth of experience and knowledge which she shares at the right pace. I got clarity on my business vision and strategy next steps and how best to approach it. I came away feeling much clearer on what my next steps are and how to implement them.   Marina Beech, Soul Alchemist.

Fidelma guided me to define a clearer vision of exactly what I want my business to look like, how I want to feel in it and a clear plan for how to make it happen. I feel more confidence about working with any limiting beliefs or inner challenges in a more creative way.’. Delphine O’Keefe Authentic Living Coach and psychotherapist.

I have just finished a workshop with Fidelma, empowering women in business. I have been in business a good while now and I have never had to think this way about business.  It makes you feel like there is nothing you can’t achieve. Tracy Maloney, Celtic Couture.

“I learnt how to set my vision for my business, to have the self-belief and how to allow time for self-care. Met a brilliant group of ladies and we gelled so well! There was a magic atmosphere in the room and came away with positive attitude and the tools with a roadmap of where I want to get in my business′. Marie-Clare Byard, Now Media Live.

Fidelma Greene is an Award Winning Business Consultant and Coach with over 3 decades of business experience bringing the best out of 100’s of people. She works with highly motivated leaders and entrepreneurs who struggle to overcome their fears around money so  they can create more fulfillment and financial success in their business and life. She brings her project management experience to help you to simplify what you want to create and get things done with ease.  She started her own consulting and coaching business in 2004 after she transitioned from her successful IT career leading large international projects.