Finding Your Why?

Finding Your Why?

September 24, 2020 | Leadership ,

Your why is more important today than ever before as a leader.

Why? Because it will help you to stay connected to your business despite the uncertainty and change that is happening in the world today.

I have done this exercise a few times and to be honest the first few times I did it, it was more from my head than my heart.

Here are a few tips to help you with finding your why:

1. Take time to get curious and explore what your why is

Dedicate some time to getting curious and exploring what is your why. I recommend doing this exercise in a quiet space and somewhere you can relax and access your creativity. You may choose to create a mind map or so a simple brainstorming session.

2. Write it down

Write it down somewhere you can see it and refer to it regularly. It is not something you look at once a year. It is something to inspire you especially on the days when you feel things aren’t working out the way you would like them.

3. Allow it to evolve as you evolve.

Your why will get stronger as you evolve and grow in your business. The more you are connected to your why the more powerful it will be to hold you strong to move forward with your business.

I’m inviting you to join us for my free webinar on 21st October at 12noon, Leading Change in Uncertain Times where I will be sharing my tips and strategies on how to lead and navigate change today by finding new solutions. Book your place here:

I would love to hear your comments and any questions you may have about creating your why.

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