How to find more purpose and meaning amidst uncertainty?

How to find more purpose and meaning amidst uncertainty?

June 5, 2020 | Leadership ,

Many are calling this the ‘new normal’. I read an article in the Sunday Times recently about the pandemic by Maureen Gaffney, a clincial psychologist and author where she said that ‘We’ve never know personal, cultural or societal upheaval like this, so we must stop looking for the ‘new normal’ and learn to live in the ‘now normal’. This is so true.

During these times, the world is calling for feminine leaders to rise and embrace their qualities of empathy, intuition, deep thinking and connection so they can be visible and use their voice to support and lead others.

I was interviewed in March just before the pandemic arrived in Ireland  about purposeful leadership by Angie Mezzetti, Journalist & Broadcaster,  for her Women in Leadership Podcast that brings you fascinating audio interviews with inspirational leading women. 

Little did we know how much change would be upon us shortly after this interview. How poignant it has become for people to find meaning and purpose amidst the current uncertainty and chaos. It’s like a totally different landscape, the before and after.

From my own journey of searching for more meaning and purpose I shared with Angie how I became passionate about mentoring purpose driven women in business and offering my consulting to a limited number of purpose driven companies each year. We also touched on what it takes to embrace change in times of adversity.

Tune into this podcast :

Here are my Top 5 Leadership Pearls to help you find more meaning & purpose:

  1. Believe in yourself and believe in the call inside yourself. Maybe you are struggling with your business. If so, get support!
  2. Answer that call. The world needs more feminine leaders to find their voice, be visible and be the change.
  3. Take the next step. Don’t try to work out the whole plan right away, take baby steps to get yourself where you want to go.
  4. Make peace with your past otherwise it holds onto you. Surrender and let go of the past. This is something you need to practice on a daily basis. Make self-care a priority.
  5. Ask who do we need to become to be the change, to step into a higher version of ourselves, our true authentic self.

Go To Song!

Angie asked for my go to song when I need some inspiration or motivation. I have two:

‘We are the Champions’ by Freddie Mercury, Queen and ‘Shake if Off’ by Taylor Swift.

Let me know what pearls of wisdom you got from listening to this in the comments below.

To your success always

Fidelma x

One thought on “How to find more purpose and meaning amidst uncertainty?

  1. good writing, keep it up Fidelma!

    shared your blog link to someone I revere as a great leader here in India!

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